What are the advantages of medical marijuana use? Nowadays the marijuana use is mostly frowned upon as it is generally believed to be intended only for fun-focused purposes. 

advantages of medical marijuana use

1. Marijuana medicinal use as a supplement to cancer treatment

In 2007, the researchers at San Francisco’s California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute found that a marijuana-derived chemical compound is capable to slow down or even stop the metastasis progression.  Besides, inhaled marijuana is detected to be truly effective in relieving cancer chemotherapy symptoms and stimulating appetite.

Despite marijuana use serves solely as an addition to traditional medical care for cancer, its positive effects should be obviously acknowledged.

2. Marijuana is helpful to the glaucoma treatment

According to the research conducted in the 1970s and supported by the National Eye Institute, smoked marijuana is proven to lower the eye pressure that is quite beneficial while treating glaucoma.  Even as marijuana’s effect on eye pressure lasts up to 4 hours, it generally has a positive influence anyway.

3. Marijuana does lower blood sugar level, so is it helpful for those living with diabetes?

Irrespective of the type of diabetes, marijuana’s healing properties facilitate diabetes treatment either way. After inhaling marijuana, insulin resistance improvement is observed promoting positive results for type 2 diabetes. In terms of type 1 diabetes, blood glucose levels get increased afterward.

4. Epilepsy seizures might be easier to control

Based on a number of small studies, one of the marijuana compounds, the so-called cannabidiol (CBD), having anti-inflammatory properties, is detected to ease epilepsy-related conditions. Although, a lot more is yet to be explored, regarding this point, the direct influence of marijuana on epilepsy symptoms relief is rather evident.

5. Marijuana is capable to prevent Alzheimer’s

In accordance with La Jolla–Salk Institute scientists, the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), being one of the major marijuana components, can contribute to the disposal of the so-called amyloid beta – a toxic protein mainly considered to cause the disease. Taking into account that there are an estimated 564,000 Canadians living with Alzheimer’s, that is relatively quite a large number, this research output shouldn’t be overlooked.

6. There is a sustainable solution found for your long-term chronic pain

It would be fair to note that a vast majority of people suffer from some chronic pain on a daily basis nowadays. Lengthy and constant chronic pains dramatically affect your emotional and psychological well-being, thus while seeking out a sort of painkiller medicinal marijuana doesn’t come last. Quite a significant number of studies have shown that marijuana proves to be a truly effective pain reliever with little to no addicting property.

7. Marijuana relieves the multiple sclerosis symptoms

Although the MS cannot be completely cured, marijuana treatment is certain to bring significant relief to those suffering. After taking marijuana, patients tend to feel fewer muscle spasms and the sleeping patterns get back to normal.

8. Overcoming anxiety disorders with medicinal marijuana

If you have a hard time managing your worries, you are unable to concentrate, frequently fall into depression or face panic-level anxiety etc. — the chances you suffer from the mental illness are really high. The studies have revealed that cannabis components are quite similar to commercial medications for anxiety symptoms. Thus, using marijuana in low doses for treating anxiety disorders can really make wonders.

9. Marijuana may help those suffering from PTSD

PTSD- is a pretty dangerous condition that may end up even in suicide at times. Marijuana ingestion is certain to alleviate the symptoms, serving as the primary medical care for the majority of people, suffering this mental health disorder.  Although the relationship between marijuana medical use and PTSD is yet poorly investigated, positive progress in the PTSD sufferers is certainly detected.

10. An effective alternative for inflammatory bowel disease treatment

In 2010, University of Hertfordshire studies published in the British Journal of Pharmacology discovered that two major marijuana chemical compounds THC and CBD combined together do protect cholinergic nerves thereby proving to be an effective option for dealing with inflammation. The symptoms relief and inflammation alleviation are more than likely to be achieved, anyway.

11. Arthritis pain reliever

According to the 2006 Sativex study funded by GW Pharmaceuticals, a five-week research showed the alleviation of pain and significant improvement of sleep. Thus, marijuana is a great alternative to turn to in order to relieve discomfort for people with rheumatoid arthritis.

12. Stroke recovery becomes easier

The University of Nottingham research suggests that marijuana chemical compounds can actually reduce the stroke-affected brain area thereby refine the brain function. A number of other studies have also positively confirmed the neuroprotective effects of cannabis.

13. Marijuana might even protect the brain from various kinds of  trauma

The studies published in the journal Cerebral Cortex announced that marijuana, in fact, weakened the bruising of the brain and played a significant role in the recovery after a traumatic injury.

A team of researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has recently conducted a study on mice intended for checking the possibility of brain recovery after marijuana treatment that serves quite a relevant research standing right next to the one mentioned above. The research output indicated that rats treated with cannabinoid compounds recovered considerably better.

14. Insomnia sufferers are turning to the medical marijuana treatment as well

To date, about one in every seven Canadians is considered to have a poor sleep quality, thus searching for the alternative treatment option medical marijuana like anything else comes in handy then. Medical marijuana (taken in low doses, possessing no addiction properties, is proved to be far more effective as compared to the manufactured sleep pharmaceuticals.

15. Marijuana as the way of solving migraine headaches 

The tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the major chemical marijuana compound, is scientifically proven to alleviate the symptoms of migraine-related pains.  Moreover, THC can also impede the increase of serotonin during a splitting headache, thereby mitigating pain.

The resent research run by two medical marijuana specialty clinics in Colorado and published from the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Colorado, has shown that the frequency of migraine headaches significantly decreased with medical marijuana use and positive effects were observed afterward. Due to its pain-relieving properties, medical marijuana is commonly used by those complaining of a chronic migraine.

Overall, more and more people are turning to this alternative treatment, since medical marijuana does have a wide range of healing properties able to treat a large number of diseases from anxiety disorders and migraine headaches to inflammatory bowel diseases and arthritis etc. Thus, the notable medical marijuana effects on health shouldn’t be underestimated nowadays.

marijuana medicinal use

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