Here’s something we bet you never thought you’d have in common with a bee – we all love weed!

Cannabis and Bees

How Cannabis Can Help Save The Bees

Here’s something we bet you never thought you’d have in common with a bee – we all love weed!

However, unlike humans who use weed recreationally or even possibly as holistic medicine to reduce pain and anxiety, bees need cannabis as a critical source of nutrition.

As a weed user, it’s important to continue to support businesses that grow hemp and cannabis to reduce the killing off of bees.

Read on to learn more about what you can do to support your buzz – and that of the bees.

Study Finds That Industrial Hemp Provides Nutrition for BeesCannabis and Bees

Humans aren’t the only species who love weed. According to a study published in Environmental Entomology, industrial hemp from the Cannabis sativa plant provides a critical nutrition source for 16 different bee species.

The study stated that hemp – an exclusively wind-pollinated crop – does not produce nectar, but instead produces an abundance of pollen among floral dearth agricultural landscapes.

Study authors conducted their research by visiting hemp flower farms that varied both in phenotypic traits of hemp and landscape type.

They found that landscape simplifications negatively impact the number of bees that visited hemp flowers, but it did not seem to affect the richness of the community.

Plant height also mattered, with bees favouring taller crops. The researchers found that plant height was strongly linked to the bee’s species richness and abundance, and that hemp plots with taller plants attracted a wider diversity of bee species.

The researchers concluded the study by stating that hemp has the potential to provide a critical nutritional resource for a wide variety of bees during a time of floral scarcity, due to its ability to provide temporary unique flowers.

The authors also concluded that hemp’s role in creating a rich diversity of bees may help sustain pollination services for other crops in the same area as well. So, by helping the bees thrive, it benefits other crops in the area, which benefits all of us!

Cannabis and BeesWhy Is It Important To Save The Bees?

Even though we may run away screaming when one is near us (in fear of being stung), bees are actually more friend than foe.

Research shows that they play a critical role in maintaining our ecosystem because they are “nature’s best pollinators”.

In fact, 90 percent of wild flowering plants rely on bees and other animal pollinators, and without them, these plants will die off, which can affect the wildlife that relies on these flowers for food.

However, bees are experiencing a severe shortage of the nectar and pollen they need to thrive, and they are dying off at an alarming rate.

According to a recent report, beekeepers report that they lose 29 percent of their honeybee colonies each winter on average – some lose up to 40 percent.

Research shows that this loss is twice the amount that is considered economically tolerable. Additionally, wild bee populations are also declining due to bee-killing pesticides, disease, an ever-changing climate, and the loss of suitable habitat for them.

Luckily, there are several things humans can do to help preserve our bee colonies, including ceasing the use of bee-killing pesticides in agriculture and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Supporting hemp and cannabis farmers is just one way to save the bees – and enjoy a high that all of us can enjoy.

How To Choose Weed That Ensures Bee SafetyCannabis and Bees

The study authors who found that hemp may be a sustainable source of nutrition for bees stated that we need to pay particular attention to how we grow it.

They determined that as hemp becomes more popular and more people start to grow it, we need to consider its value in supporting bee communities and take this into account when developing pest management strategies.

We – as weed consumers – can support this movement by buying premium high-quality hemp and cannabis products, which sends a clear message to policymakers that we support using hemp for bees.

Best High-Dose CBD Honey

You can also support both the cannabis and bee industries by giving cannabis-infused honey a try. Honey has long been used as a form of natural medicine before pharmaceuticals came out.

Raw honey, in general, is extremely beneficial for all types of ailments. It’s an excellent source of healing enzymes with anti-bacterial properties and prebiotics for digestive and immune health. You can use it topically for skin conditions or enjoy it as a healthy snack.

When combined with the well-established health benefits of cannabis, the combination is a winning pair that sends a clear message to both industries – we want more of this stuff!

When you’re ready to give Cannabis infused honey a try, we recommend going with High Dose Honey. It contains simple ingredients from 100 percent pure Canadian honey and cannabis.

This product is tested in an accredited laboratory to ensure safety and accurate dosing, so you know exactly what you’re getting in each bottle. You’ll get ten 30 mg doses of honey in individual packets that can be used for pain relief and to balance mood.

You can get High Dosen Honey here.

Cannabis and BeesFinal Thoughts

A recent study has provided some exciting news for bee lovers and weed users alike – industrial hemp can be used as a sustainable nutritional source for our dying bees.

This is beneficial because bees are needed to pollinate wildlife flowers to support our ecosystem. However, bees are dying at an alarming rate and need our help.

You can support the use of cannabis for bees by choosing pesticide-free weed that does not kill off bees. Also, consider trying cannabis-infused honey to support both industries.

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