When it comes to picking out cannabis, you might consider several different factors, such as the condition you’re trying to treat, CBD and THC ratio, administration methods, and price.
But should you pick out weed based on how it smells? And furthermore, if you like how it smells, will it be more powerful?
In this guide, we’ll discuss why weed that smells good might be better for you.
What Gives Weed Its Smell?
Terpenes are compounds in cannabis that are responsible for giving weed its distinct smell. These molecules are also the primary active ingredient found in essential oils.
You might notice that both essential oils and cannabis have very strong, unique scents that are detectable right away.
Although the science behind the smells of cannabis is complex, and there are more compounds than terpenes that contribute to its scent, terpenes are thought to be the primary contributor.
For example, the terpene pinene has an Earthy or pine scent that smells very woodsy while the terpene limonene has a fruity, citrusy scent because it’s also found in lemons.
Each scent has a unique ability to make you feel differently when you smell different terpenes. This is a big part of the entourage effect that weed has on many users – and the way you perceive weed’s scent may also influence how it affects you.
How Does Scent Affect Our Health?
Research shows that smell information is sent to different parts of our brain that influence many aspects of our health, including mood, emotion, and memory.
You might notice that certain smells bring back memories of your past, either good or bad. For example, the scent of food or cookies cooking in the kitchen might remind you of your childhood while a certain perfume or cologne brings back memories of a bad ex.
The scent is a powerful trigger of emotions. It can even affect our mental health and cortisol levels, depending on the memories we tie each scent to and how we perceive the pleasantness of each odour.
For example, one study found that women who smelled their male partner’s shirt experienced a reduction in cortisol levels while smelling a stranger’s scent made them feel more stressed by increasing their cortisol.
You can same the same about weed. If you experienced a bad trip from one strain in particular, then just the scent of that strain can bring back unfavourable memories.
However, if you find a strain that works well for you and makes you feel great each time you smoke it, then just smelling that strain can provide health benefits by bringing you back to a time when smoking weed made you feel more relaxed, in less pain and helped you sleep better.
To Pick Out the Best Weed for You, Lead with Your Nose
The smell should be a key factor when it comes to picking out weed that works best for you. Chances are if you don’t like the way weed smells, then you won’t like how it makes you feel.
Experienced users always tend to let their nose pick the best strain of weed because they know that they are more likely to enjoy a strain that smells good rather than by going off of THC or CBD content only.
Researchers believe that the effects of terpenes are what make each strain of weed very unique and special to each individual user. And just like each strain is not guaranteed to affect each person the same way, each strain may also smell different to each person.
For example, limonene is usually described as having a refreshing and energizing effect due to its strong citrus aroma, which makes many users feel uplifted.
Similarly, others may find that limonene has a very cleansing effect on the mind and body, leaving the user feeling pure and cleared of negative thoughts.
Kush strains of weed tend to have an herbal, woodsy, and Earthy scent with underlying notes of spice, thanks to its myrcene content. Myrcene has been described as having a relaxing and sedative effect, making users feel more grounded and closer to nature.
Experts agree that choosing a strain of weed that smells appealing to you is just as important as finding one with desirable amounts of THC, especially if that strain has worked for you in the past.
Interestingly, one study found that some people choose fragrances based on how it meshes with their own body odour, including their perfume and cologne choice.
So, in addition to picking weed that you like the scent of, you might want to make sure it blends well with other scents you use on your body!
Final Thoughts
The scent is a powerful tool to consider when picking out weed because it’s processed in parts of the brain that control several aspects of our health, including mood, memory, and emotions.
Whether you’re a first-time weed user or an experienced cannabis connoisseur, you’ll get the best results from your weed by picking one that smells good to you.
This can be challenging if you buy your weed online because you won’t necessarily be able to smell it first. But did you know that Pure Green Express stands behind their products, allowing you to return ones that don’t meet your nose’s standards?
You can also consult the team at Pure Green Express and they will help you pick out a strain or product based on the scents that you like.
What are your favourite smelling strains of weed? Let us know in the comments below!