Why is BC Bud The Best?
Beautiful British Columbia is known for its stunning landscapes, mouth-watering wines, and iconic BC bud. It isn’t a secret that British Columbia is home to some of the best cannabis available today. It’s reached a level of infamy across the globe and can be found just about anywhere from Vietnam to Amsterdam. No other region can compare!
Never Been To British Columbia? Let Me Lay It Out For You
British Columbia is the temperate-weathered jewel located on the west coast of Canada, nestled in between the Pacific Ocean, and the Rocky Mountains. This rugged province spans across 357, 000 square miles of land, housing around 5.1 million people. What makes this sprawling area so perfect for growing crops is the vast amount of open, and forested, lush green space. To give this a little bit of context, British Columbia is about the same size as Germany but our population of 5.1 million is about 16 times less than their whopping 84 million.
It’s Not Just Quantity, It’s Quality
This beautiful open space is packed with ancient soils, rich in nutrients, and showered with heavy rainfall. Take one look at the luscious green that blankets this picturesque landscape and anyone could see how perfect it is for the growth of happy flora. This diverse plant life flourishes in the hot summer months and cool fall months that follow. Cannabis is no exception and the conditions make for tall, hardy plants indoors and outdoors. The Kootenays located in British Columbia is known as the home of outdoor marijuana cultivation due to the pure mountain water, and fresh air, while boasting of having the most fertile soil on the planet.
BC Bud Was Something You Sipped- Not Smoked
Today we associate BC bud with marijuana but in the 1930’s it was actually the name of a prohibition-era beer. Although this lager didn’t have any connection to cannabis it became such a popular moniker for something illicit that the name stuck and made its way into the mainstream.
Where It All Began
Peace-loving draft dodgers moved from the States to Canada during the Vietnam War rather than being forced to join the army brought their best seeds with them. Weed was such a massive part of the love culture that shaped the 1960’s that although these groovy greens weren’t legal at the time people took advantage of the lax attitudes of law enforcement. It’s estimated that about 30,000 Americans came flooding through the border from mainly Washington, Oregon, and California. At this time BC was just in the beginning stages of growing cannabis so this boost to supply created a golden era for the illegal industry. With an ideal climate for cultivating outstanding crops and the long lineage of incredible seeds that have been circulating for more than 30 years, it’s no wonder BC bud is world-renowned.
Saving Money on Power Bills
One thing that British Columbia is known for, besides its top-shelf cannabis, is the low cost of hydroelectric power. This energy sourced from rushing water generates almost three-quarters of all renewable energy and is expected to continue to grow in popularity. BC generates almost 11.000 megawatts of hydropower, powering nearly two million homes. This fresh-flowing, affordable power source gives cannabis enthusiasts the ability to grow indoors at a much lower cost.
Making It Into the Mainstream
With a record number of BC residents indulging in cannabis culture it is no surprise that it would make its way into the mainstream. Canada is known for its lax policies on marijuana but in British Columbia, this reaches new heights with 20% of the population claiming that they have recently gotten high.
Ahead of legalization, we also saw the interest in BC Bud translate into the financial sector where people have paid hundreds of millions of dollars in order to stake a claim on the province’s produce.
“BC now has the opportunity to legally showcase these genetics, products, and techniques into the national and international markets over the next few years,” he says. “Nationally, all legal entities will have equal access to technology and certain genetics, but nothing can replace experience, and in BC, we have some of the most experienced cultivators in the country. In time this will prove noteworthy as the market matures and advances.”
-Aaron Anderson, BC Bud enthusiast, and Vancouver Resident
The Future Is Looking Green
Despite the recent legalization of cannabis, there are still people who view these groovy green buds as controversial, taboo drugs. This is brought about by years of misinformation, the war on drugs, and our vast cultural diversity. With more research shedding light on the many benefits, public opinion does seem to be heading in a more accepting direction as time goes on. This is hugely due to the change in rhetoric as cannabis goes from an illegal drug that will harm the youth into a highly effective medicine and health supplement.
With this new knowledge, the industry is changing and evolving more quickly than we could have imagined leading to new growing methods. Unfortunately, strains that have been cultivated in North America are reaching a point where genetic variations are in decline and inbreeding is becoming inevitable. Many growers believed that the peak of cannabis potency happened back in the 90’s and are becoming worried that the genetic pool is becoming too small. This doesn’t mean that all hope is lost for the future of your green gold though! BC growers have begun to diversify their strains and are introducing new strains that are easy to find in this market. With more availability to craft suppliers that are beginning to make their way into the legal system the better our chances are of keeping our strains world-renown.
I don’t know about you- but I am excited to see how the cannabis industry continues to grow and thrive as time goes on! Let us know about your experience with BC bud and Pure Green Express in the comments.