Can weed put you in the mood? Well, that’s a question that everyone wants the answer to, right? You might have noticed that sometimes weed can make you feel more turned on.

Does Weed Improve LibidoDoes Weed Improve Libido?

Can weed put you in the mood? Well, that’s a question that everyone wants the answer to, right? You might have noticed that sometimes weed can make you feel more turned on, and the reason behind this has to do with the way cannabis affects your sensory system.

However, there are some situations in which you may want to avoid weed if you are looking for a memorable performance in the bedroom. In this article, we will discuss the impact of weed on libido and how it can be used to get you in the mood.

Does Cannabis Help with Sex?Does Weed Improve Libido

If you’ve ever smoked cannabis before having sex to help keep you or your partner in the mood, then you’re not alone. One study found that 127 out of 373 subjects used weed prior to having sex – and the results were impressive.

The study found that women who used weed before sex reported having an increase in sex drive, improvements in reaching an orgasm, and decreases in pain. In fact, women who used weed had 2.13 higher odds of reporting satisfactory orgasms than women who did not use marijuana and women who used weed frequently had 2.10 times higher odds of having better orgasms.

The researchers of the study concluded that marijuana use helps improve orgasm satisfaction, and the reason could be due to the way weed affects our senses. Specifically, weed has been shown to reduce anxiety, depression, and pain – all while stimulating parts of our brain and body that make us feel good, relaxed, and more creative, allowing for a better response to sex.

Does Weed Improve LibidoFor many women, the sheer relaxation they get from smoking weed is enough to make sex more enjoyable. Additionally, as an anti-inflammatory herb, cannabis also helps reduce inflammation and increase blood flow, which can help deliver a better orgasm and make it easier for men to get and keep an erection.

However, weed use doesn’t always guarantee a better time in bed. Some people – especially men – might find that weed makes them too relaxed to perform well. In fact, some research shows that marijuana use may lead to erectile dysfunction (ED). One study found that ED is twice as high in weed users when compared to non-weed users.

The key to using cannabis to increase libido may be to keep your doses small. Smoking too much weed or being heavily sedated may decrease your sex drive or have you feeling too relaxed. The best way to boost sex drive is to use just enough weed to promote relaxation!

Best Weed Strains to Boost Libido

Does it matter what strain of weed you use to get you in the mood? Some experts claim it does, but other factors – such as weed delivery and dosing – are just as important.

According to Harvard physician and medical cannabis therapeutics specialist John Renko, the magic behind weed’s ability to boost libido lies in the terpenes.

Terpenes are the beneficial compounds found in plants that help give weed its distinct flavour and aroma. You might notice that one cannabis plant smells like gasoline while another might smell sweet like lemon. This is an example of how different terpenes work.Does Weed Improve Libido

Research shows that different terpenes also have a different effect on your health, and this might be the reason why cannabis improves libido in some people and kills it in others. However, much of your reaction to weed depends on the strain’s traits.

Renko believes that you should choose strains of weed that are high in the terpene limonene to boost libido. Wedding Cake is a good example of a strain of weed that is high in limonene. It’s an Indica-dominant strain with a high level of THC to make you feel high quickly, leaving you with a warming feeling and then melting you into a state of bliss and relaxation.

Renko also suggests using strains that are high in the terpene linalool if you’re looking for a solo session as it has a nice, calming effect. Users claim that strains high in linalool provide an intense euphoria feeling while gradually allowing you to come down, which is much like the feeling of an orgasm.

Your delivery method is also important. Renko believes that smoking weed is the best way to get in the mood because it enters your system quicker than edibles, which need to go through your digestive system before you’re able to absorb the terpenes. Keep in mind that factors such as BMI might affect when one of you starts to feel high and the most turned on.

Does Weed Improve LibidoIf you plan on smoking, ensure you smoke at the same time as your partner to ensure that both of you start to feel your most pleasurable at the same time.

There are other things you can do to spice up your love life, too. Try smoking weed AND giving a massage with oil at the same time to heighten your partner’s sense of touch. Eating a clean diet can also help make sure your hormones are balanced and doing what they’re supposed to!

Final Thoughts

Weed appears to have different effects on men and women. Studies show that women are more likely to report better orgasms with cannabis use while men might be more prone to ED.Does Weed Improve Libido

However, as weed users know, cannabis is not a one-size-fits-all approach to sex, and you may need to play around with different dosing, delivery methods and strains to find what works best for you.

We recommend using weed to help you relax, promote better blood circulation and reduce inflammation, all of which should help increase the feeling of pleasure in the bedroom!

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