How CBD Can Save Your Skin This Winter
The bracing winter breeze, bone-dry air, and high altitudes can take a toll on your skin throughout the colder months leaving skin looking dull and lifeless. As CBD continues to take the beauty industry by storm more is being discovered about the many benefits it can have on overall health. This includes how it can benefit our largest organ- our skin. This green plant can help give you the glow you’ve been missing by providing moisture, relief from itchy skin, and protection from the elements.
What is CBD?
If you haven’t heard about the biggest thing to hit the beauty industry in the last few years, CBD is a part of the cannabis plant that is commonly called the “bliss” molecule. It has all of the incredible health benefits that come with its counterpart THC without imparting the feeling of being “high”. It is more than just a beauty addition though, it has endless medicinal benefits and can help fight anxiety, depression, regulate weight, and sleep patterns.
What Causes Dry Skin?
When the temperature drops to levels that are colder than we love and the air gets brisk skin can start to become dry and itchy. This isn’t just a coincidence, in the winter your skin loses around a lot of its ability to hold moisture. Your skin acts as a protective barrier against the elements but when the air gets drier the water in your skin evaporates at a faster rate which leads to flaky skin. This process is called transepidermal water loss and is brought on not only by the cold air outside but also other by factors like harsh winds, car and indoor heating, and low humidity.
Why Use CBD For Cold, Cracked Skin?
Moisturizers are usually created to benefit one specific skin type whereas CBD works on all skin types whether oily or dry. Not only this but because it’s a natural product it doesn’t cause irritation and breakouts. These aren’t the only reasons to start incorporating it into your daily skincare routine.
-Healthy, younger-looking skin: Everyone wants to age gracefully and CBD can help achieve this goal without injections or going under the knife. Cannabinoid receptors that live in our brain help boost our body’s ability to regenerate new skin cells. This means that you will be creating new, healthier-looking skin to help retain that youthful glow.
-Hydrated skin: This isn’t news to you, we now know that CBD is a natural way to keep your dry, scaly skin moisturized. It manages to save your skin with its high level of omega-3 fatty acids.
-Acne-free face: This incredible side effect actually comes from the fatty acids that are in CBD. They not only provide moisture but can restore your protective outer layer to its previous glory by reducing inflammation and blemishes. Acne-prone people are lacking fatty acids so introducing CBD can help restore balance to once unhappy skin.
-High source of vitamins: Restore that firm, fresh feeling to your face by giving it all the vitamins its been missing. CBD contains vitamin A, D, E, and C which are all essential for maintaining healthy skin even in the colder months.
How To Use CBD For Dry Skin
If you’re new to the CBD world or even just to its ever-growing role in the world of skincare then this next section is for you! I will take you through the different ways to utilize this moisturizing, green medication.
Apply Topically: When CBD is applied directly to the skin it can do its fastest work by bypassing the liver and being absorbed directly through the endocannabinoid receptors on your skin. This works for an assortment of skin issues and can not only help alleviate dry skin but also combat inflammation and pain in the affected areas. Say goodbye to that pesky winter eczema
Ingest: This is the easiest and most versatile way of making the most of this “bliss” molecule that lives in the cannabis plant. The oil can be put directly under the tongue and held for 30 seconds or can be drizzled onto your favourite snacks like avocado toast. This will not have the same directed effects as when applied to the area but will contribute to overall body health. Ingesting CBD will help boost your skin health from the inside out.
Favourite Products
It can be overwhelming choosing the right product when there is such an endless amount available on the market today. You are trying to combat stress and not add to it so I’ve made this very simple! As with most things, the effects will vary from person to person so always remember to start low and slow.
1. Green Therapy Goodbye Body Butter
This Psoriasis cream says goodbye to itchy, dry skin with its balanced blend of natural herbs and essential oils. It provides relief from the extreme dryness that comes with the colder, winter weather. The benefits go more than skin deep with its ability to act as an antiinflammatory, anti-bacterial, and provide pain relief. This cream will work to help combat eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, wrinkles, shaving irritation, bug bites, and minor allergic reactions.
2. Mary and Wanda Eczema Relief Cream
This deeply hydrating cream is full-spectrum and has been specially formulated by registered herbalists. It manages to battle flaky skin with its content of oatmeal, marshmallow root, green tea extract, aloe vera, and vitamins. This is my favourite go-to, not only because it works wonders but also because it’s a women-run company that we love to support! Keep in mind this cream comes in unscented and lavender scent.
3. Twisted Extracts Full Spectrum (22:1) Orange Flavoured Tincture
We have the topicals covered but if you’re looking for a way to orally take your daily green medication then these drops are for you. They’re versatile and easy to use by itself or added to your favourite snacks and smoothies. What separates this delicious orange-flavoured concoction from the rest is their use of avocado oil over other MCT carriers. Avocado oil is rich in antioxidants which will help the CBD do its work and fight inflammation.
Make your skin happy and healthy this winter by using CBD products to return it to its former warm weather glory. Let us know about your experience fighting flaky, dry skin in the comments!