$140.00 Excluding Tax

Can’t decide? Let our staff make the choices for you! With so many great flower strains to choose from, we know it can be hard to decide which ones to try. Let the Pure Green Express staff take the stress out of shopping.

Each full ounce Party Pack will include a variety of 4 different strains. 7 grams of each strain. These special Party Pack premium strains are comprised of our top staff pics and are sure to include something for everyone so let the party begin!

Each strain comes in 7 grams of Flower for a total of 28 grams

4 different strains of our specially selected staff pics in each pack!

1 full ounce (28 grams) total in every order.

*No special requests. Strain are selected at the sole discretion of our staff. No Quads.

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Can’t decide? Let our staff make the choices for you! With so many great flower strains to choose from, we know it can be hard to decide which ones to try. Let the Pure Green Express staff take the stress out of shopping.

Each full ounce Party Pack will include a variety of 4 different strains. 7 grams of each strain. These special Party Pack premium strains are comprised of our top staff pics and are sure to include something for everyone so let the party begin!

Each strain comes in 7 grams of Flower for a total of 28 grams

4 different strains of our specially selected staff pics in each pack!

1 full ounce (28 grams) total in every order.

*No special requests. Strain are selected at the sole discretion of our staff. No Quads.


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