Cannabis has been a controversial topic since the war on drugs, but now that it’s returning to the mainstream, read on to find out more about its many medicinal benefits.

The Many Benefits of THC

Cannabis has been a controversial topic since the iconic war on drugs of the 1970s. With a huge smear campaign led by bored politicians, the reputation of this leafy green plant was destroyed for decades to follow and biases surround it still today. Although it may seem ridiculous, these men claimed that smoking marijuana led to “reefer madness”, temporary insanity, and could even transform you into a bat. As cannabis is making its way back into the mainstream CBD has been making a splash in everything from cocktails to skincare while THC has remained shrouded in the shadows of mistrust. This groovy molecule is an effective everyday supplement beneficial to overall physical and mental health, read on to find out more about its many medicinal benefits.

What Is THC?

THC, short for tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive compound found in cannabis that creates the feeling of being “high”. It’s not only the perfect way to unwind after a long day but a natural medicine used by humans throughout the centuries. THC works by attaching itself to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, activating neurons that affect pleasure, memory, thinking, and perception. Due to the stigmatization of THC, there hasn’t been much new research but the anecdotal evidence is full of astounding accounts of how THC has drastically improved mental and physical health for people from all walks of life.

1. Aids With Sleep

If you are one of the many people that have trouble falling asleep and remaining asleep THC could be the solution! Not only will it send you off to dreamland, but THC also helps normalize breathing patterns which can reduce those pesky interruptions to the sleep cycle.

2. Powerful Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammation is no laughing matter as it can lead to an excess of other, seemingly unrelated, health issues like depression and arthritis. The dynamic duo, THC and CBD, are there to fight these flareups by reducing the amount of Cytokines the body makes. Cytokines are a large family of molecules that regulate the way the immune system responds to inflammation and infection.

3. Relieves Pain

Everyone experiences aches and pains but for almost 2 million people these unpleasant sensations are chronic. Most chronic pain is nerve-related or neuropathic which is why THC can help. Cannabis activates pathways in the central nervous system that effectively block pain signals from making their way up to the brain. In a 2013 FDA study, researchers gave participants low doses of THC or a placebo. When given THC there was a 30% reduction in pain intensity while the placebo did little to nothing

4. Increases Appetite

Surely at some point you have experienced or witnessed the “munchies” where stoners can’t stop eating and eating and eating. For conditions that cause loss of appetite like HIV, hepatitis, and dementia THC could be the thing standing between the sufferer and severe malnutrition. The hunger-inducing effects of this cannabis compound could dramatically improve quality of life and in some cases, even save lives.

5. Treats PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder affects nearly 25 million people globally which, to put that into perspective, is about the population of Australia. THC treats many of the symptoms caused by this disorder, offering relief from nightmares, insomnia, depression, and flashbacks. Finally managing to get a good night’s rest, it becomes easier to regain balance in all aspects of everyday life. Many scientists even claim that cannabis is the only effective treatment available for PTSD right now.

6. Has Antibacterial Properties

Cannabis plants produce THC to protect themselves from pathogens, a pretty nifty evolutionary feat. This beautiful trait built for preservation makes THC the perfect treatment for antibioticresistant infections in humans and animals. In 2008 researchers at MIT were blown away when THC killed the bacteria MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), which leads to serious gaping wounds when pharmaceutical drugs could not.

7. Is an Anti-Convulsant

CBD has stolen the show when it comes to treating seizures but THC shares these same anticonvulsant properties. Studies done in the 1940’s show THC treatment reduced seizures in half of the children studied, all of which were unresponsive to conventional treatments. Working together these cannabis compounds could improve the quality of life for people suffering from epilepsy.

8. Works as A Muscle Relaxant

Certain strains of marijuana, usually indica with hard-hitting body highs, can leave the user feeling sleep and heavy-bodied. This is extremely beneficial for people suffering from muscle spasms, pain, and cramping. Cannabis-based medicines for this act use are already on the market in almost 50 countries and helps thousands of people struggling to live pain-free with conditions like multiple sclerosis.

9, Preserves Youth

Well, it may not keep you young forever but THC is a powerful antioxidant, helping to fight stress and the signs of aging. Cannabis protects the epidermis from UVB light, which is responsible for oxidative stress to the skin, leading to wrinkles and other skin diseases.

10. Slows Down Tumor Growth

This medicinal, green herb has been proven to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. With the incredible anti-cancer power that THC carries, you would be hard-pressed to find someone unwilling to try this natural remedy. Doctors say that THC affects cancer in 3 different ways.

  • – Cannabis puts a process called apoptosis into effect which causes the cancer cells to begin to selfdestruct.

“Cannabis does that apoptosis, that horrible word, that tells the cancer cell to go kill itself. It’s literally a key that turns a lock and tells the cell to kill itself.” -Dr. Gregory Smith, Physician

  • Cannabinoids block tumors from forming new blood vessels, which essentially cuts the cancer cells off from their food and oxygen supply, starving them to death.
  • As if this wasn’t enough to have you loading up your cart full of THC edibles and flowers, it’s known to stop cancer cells from spreading. These diseased cells normally metastasize, Meaning they’ll leave their infected area to branch off and start new unhealthy cell colonies.

Final Thoughts

These are just a small handful of the most researched benefits of THC but as with most things, this is just the tip of the iceberg. With science always developing and pushing boundaries there is such a vast ocean of benefits that come along with utilizing THC in your well-being routine.

What are some benefits to THC you feel we missed? Have you noticed any of these benefits in your life? Comment bellow and let us know what you think!

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